Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A.C. Moore, a cool craft store

Mind the rhyme in the title, A.C. Moore, a cool craft store has the Febuary releases! I found a Mandy, maybe five Fluffies and like 20 Sweetkinses!
I couldn't get any tho. 😟

Birthday party!

On December  21st, one of my rare beanie boos, Alpine had a birthday! happy birthday  and holidays alpine!
Thank you for sharing this, Ty Facebook!

"Happy Birthday, Alpine! This Beanie Boo can be tough to find, do you have Alpine in your collection?
Give us a thumbs up to wish Alpine a very Happy Birthday!" -Ty Facebook

In memory of...

Dear North, Icicles, and Speckles,

I love having you guys in the family, and you may not be in anyone else's for long.
Loved having you, and luckily I have all of you, but it is your time to retire.
Okay, enough sadness, Ty Facebook just said some of my fav boos in my collection are retiring.
It was great to have these guys in our collections, and now, they are retired. (They are fairly old beanie boos and they quit the job of being cute 😟)

Do you guys have these boos in your collection? Lets hope you do!
-Your friend Owliver