Saturday, September 27, 2014

First ever B&N exclusive!

Meet Annabelle, the cream colored cat with some hot pink splotes. Other than this boo being sooooo stinking adorkable, this cutie-matootie is the first ever B&N exclusive! Woo hoo!

I went to the mall to look at Go!, Justice, and even Hallmark (which by the way I swear had like, 15 Tomatoes, go check it out!) I was crazy enough to forget B&N! 😪Well, maybe next time.

Luv ya guys!


P.S. congratulations to Cutie Juliet for getting North AND Icicle!
Now I'm feeling jealous...

Monday, September 22, 2014

One note...

Recently, one of my friends has shared my site on Google Plus! A little help can go a long way. Many of her other friends have asked, "Who made this piece of awesomeness?" Or things like that. Please do not comment with my name in the description if you do know who I am. Please just say my nickname, Angel. That would be much ,more preferred. Thanks guys!

Also, sorry I haven't been posting lately.

Luv ya!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Beanie boo haul!

I was going to one of my local hallmarks, and they had just stocked up for Halloween! Besides the point I found an OH MY BGLOSHES beanie boo that made me want to scream. I got him, and went back to the store a few hours later and bought Tabitha, Peanut, Slush, Bamboo, and Zig- Zag. Here is the updated picture of my beanie boo collection, and try to see what I was OH MY BGLOSHING about:
Yep, its Tomato!!! I am soo happy thanks guys soo super much!

P.S. I finally got that medium Scraps I wanted so badly :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

How many Beanie Boos do I have?

Well, not NEARLY as many as Glubcshi-Wonderland or Cutie Juliet!
I am not quite a collector yet, but I still have and LOVE Beanie Boos. I currently have the following Beanie Boos:
Original 6" Alpine
Purple Tag 6" Waddles
Red Tag Sparkly eyed 6" Ice Cube
Red tag Sparkly eyed, yellow footed 6" Speckles
Red tag Sparkly eyed 8" Rocco
Red tag 18" Sparkly eyed Waddles
But hopefully I will add onto my collection!
Who I'd LOVE to have:
Scraps, Bamboo, Fairbanks*, Igloo, Paddles*, Hope 4 Japan*, North*,Tabitha*, and MORE...
However, Tabitha, North, and Bamboo are high on demand.


**I have never seen Fairbanks, Paddles, Hope 4 Japan in person before. North is unavailable until Christmas. Tabitha has been seen several, several, several times in Hallmark. :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

New boos?

Hey guys! So super sorry for the delay of this post, however, I will try as best as I can to post daily.
The eBay user, homepage2009 has possibly new justice exclusives, Elfie and Patty! Here they are...