Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Saddest News I Will EVER Have To Share

Dear reader, I heard something sad and believe what you want but Secret Bean, one of the most awesome (must be a Ty employee) beanie boo news shared some sad, sad news probably a while ago that I saw.

On to the point. eBay user, homepage2009 is a phony. This is what I believe I will explain Secret Bean's theory right now.

Homepage2009 is NOT an authentic Ty seller. He or she only uses PayPal. That is clue #1.
PayPal, for ones that do not know is a "credit card", but for all over the world. And most of is know homepage as one of those "unauthourized Chinese eBay sellers", that is not an authentic Ty retailer.

Secret Bean says that homepage2009 actually grabs sparkly eyed beanie boos and switches out the eyes, to solid eyes and sells them for a profit. 😢

This may not be true, but it sounds realistic so that is what I am here to share tonight.

TIP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: Next time you buy from eBay sellers, make sure they are at least 99% positive feedback


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