Thursday, July 24, 2014


My local hallmark has a surprise ( no, its not a penguin this time*) medium solid eye Scraps (light purple tag, large tush tag with sewing), solid eye pugsly, and original solid eye Dakota (sadly bent tag :(   )
          I'm SOO sorry I don't have any photos, but if you can, go to your local Hallmark to see what they have!

-* Ice Cube the Penguin

Words you may not know:
-Tush tag:
The tag you can find where (normally) your beanie boo's behind is.

-Solid Eye:
A beanie boo that is older, that has non-sparkly eyes.


  1. My local hallmark has a surprise ( no, its not a penguin this time*) medium solid eye Scraps (light purple tag, large tush tag with sewing), solid ...

  2. Wow Eitel! Is that your blog? If so, I LOVE IT! I sadly only have one medium beanie boo, and that is medium Rocco. You must really want medium Scraps! He was only $10 so that was cool. I love that blog, good work, and also, my friend has medium Leona & Glamour.
