Friday, January 9, 2015


Okay, not many beanie news in a while, so feast your eyes on this:
As some of you fans may know, facebooker Seekret Bean had a post of a close up eye with fur pic about a new boo. The majority of people who replied guessed a koala!

Recreation of Kooky? Or just komeback of the koalas? Well introducing Kacy, (BTW do you guys know who Jacy and Kacy are from Craft Life YouTube channel? Well if not, g check them out right now.) the koala beanie boo. (Thank you Breandan @ Beanie Source for telling us 😀)

I am so sorry for not posting certain beanie boos, Skylar Ashton found out about 4 new boos, on homepage2009, and I was still kind if upset about a few posts ago, so I refused to post them. That will not happen ever again unless I do not see that, so do not fret. Those boos are apparently authentic, so here if there weren't already enough sheep (get ready for only sheep in 2015...) Lala, Bloom, Slick, and Zoey.

Actually, three new boos are a complete surprise to me! Icy, Roxy and Oscar, a seal, raccoon, and owl, resemble Iceberg, Rocco, and Icicles! Check them out at the bottom.

Okay, now for spoiler pictures!
Once again, thank Beanie Source and Glubshi Wonderland!

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