Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A.C. Moore, a cool craft store

Mind the rhyme in the title, A.C. Moore, a cool craft store has the Febuary releases! I found a Mandy, maybe five Fluffies and like 20 Sweetkinses!
I couldn't get any tho. 😟

Birthday party!

On December  21st, one of my rare beanie boos, Alpine had a birthday! happy birthday  and holidays alpine!
Thank you for sharing this, Ty Facebook!

"Happy Birthday, Alpine! This Beanie Boo can be tough to find, do you have Alpine in your collection?
Give us a thumbs up to wish Alpine a very Happy Birthday!" -Ty Facebook

In memory of...

Dear North, Icicles, and Speckles,

I love having you guys in the family, and you may not be in anyone else's for long.
Loved having you, and luckily I have all of you, but it is your time to retire.
Okay, enough sadness, Ty Facebook just said some of my fav boos in my collection are retiring.
It was great to have these guys in our collections, and now, they are retired. (They are fairly old beanie boos and they quit the job of being cute 😟)

Do you guys have these boos in your collection? Lets hope you do!
-Your friend Owliver

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Saddest News I Will EVER Have To Share

Dear reader, I heard something sad and believe what you want but Secret Bean, one of the most awesome (must be a Ty employee) beanie boo news shared some sad, sad news probably a while ago that I saw.

On to the point. eBay user, homepage2009 is a phony. This is what I believe I will explain Secret Bean's theory right now.

Homepage2009 is NOT an authentic Ty seller. He or she only uses PayPal. That is clue #1.
PayPal, for ones that do not know is a "credit card", but for all over the world. And most of is know homepage as one of those "unauthourized Chinese eBay sellers", that is not an authentic Ty retailer.

Secret Bean says that homepage2009 actually grabs sparkly eyed beanie boos and switches out the eyes, to solid eyes and sells them for a profit. 😢

This may not be true, but it sounds realistic so that is what I am here to share tonight.

TIP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: Next time you buy from eBay sellers, make sure they are at least 99% positive feedback


Saturday, November 15, 2014


Trixie, now available at Justice, this post is for you guys because I know quite a few you guys fell in love with Trixie.


This just in, there is a NEW (prototype) exclusive beanie boo on Ty's Instagram! Her name is Jewel and she is a hot pink and purple leopard. She is ABSOLUTELY adorkable and it is unknown where she will be retailing at, but I believe it is Justice because if you see this cutie, she is screaming buy me at Justice! See what she looks like!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Faker or fan?

With one video and one subscriber, I don't know if the YouTuber "beenie boo universe" just loves my posts, tries to fake being me, or just likes beanie boos and doesn't know I exist, but I just want to tell you guys that's not me, and that YouTuber should really name their videos more carefully. But it's really cool to know how to wash your beanie boo!

On the third page of Google???

So I haven't advertised anything and I went from zero, to the seventh on the third page of Google when you type in "beanie boo blog"? Really? Thanks SOO much you guys rock! I know lots of you love Trixie, an unrealeased leopard Justice exclusive beanie boo, so enjoy Cutie Juliet's video welcoming Trixie!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Can you guess what the new beanie (not boo, JUST beanie)'s name is? Hint it's in the title.
This game should help you find out. http://community.usvsth3m.com/2048/happy-the-new-beanie-edition/



Go to http://glubschi-wonderland.jimdo.com/2014/10/18/ty-beanie-boos-factory-samples-and-prototypes-never-sold-commercially/ now, this is soooo cool! Thanks a billion Glubschi Wonderland!       While using a mobile device, make sure to click on each picture!



Patty is released in the Justice store now! I got North! Cutie Juliet got Patty, you can watch the video now!

My own 2048!

2048 is a popular game with billions of variations. Here is the one I made. Enjoy!
P.S. my high score is 6" Ice Cube! (I've played this game only once)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

New XL boos!

Okay, I was on the Justice site looking for boos (and got a little off task) and looked at these cool Penguin PJs, and I saw the other images, to find, guess what? XL Ice Cube and Wishful!!!!!!!!! Okay, maybe I overreacted, but when Brendan @ beaniesource told us that XL Leona is here too, well... YAY!!!

PS I went to Go! The other day, and they had purple tagged 6"ers, and XL Glamour!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

First ever B&N exclusive!

Meet Annabelle, the cream colored cat with some hot pink splotes. Other than this boo being sooooo stinking adorkable, this cutie-matootie is the first ever B&N exclusive! Woo hoo!

I went to the mall to look at Go!, Justice, and even Hallmark (which by the way I swear had like, 15 Tomatoes, go check it out!) I was crazy enough to forget B&N! 😪Well, maybe next time.

Luv ya guys!


P.S. congratulations to Cutie Juliet for getting North AND Icicle!
Now I'm feeling jealous...

Monday, September 22, 2014

One note...

Recently, one of my friends has shared my site on Google Plus! A little help can go a long way. Many of her other friends have asked, "Who made this piece of awesomeness?" Or things like that. Please do not comment with my name in the description if you do know who I am. Please just say my nickname, Angel. That would be much ,more preferred. Thanks guys!

Also, sorry I haven't been posting lately.

Luv ya!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Beanie boo haul!

I was going to one of my local hallmarks, and they had just stocked up for Halloween! Besides the point I found an OH MY BGLOSHES beanie boo that made me want to scream. I got him, and went back to the store a few hours later and bought Tabitha, Peanut, Slush, Bamboo, and Zig- Zag. Here is the updated picture of my beanie boo collection, and try to see what I was OH MY BGLOSHING about:
Yep, its Tomato!!! I am soo happy thanks guys soo super much!

P.S. I finally got that medium Scraps I wanted so badly :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

How many Beanie Boos do I have?

Well, not NEARLY as many as Glubcshi-Wonderland or Cutie Juliet!
I am not quite a collector yet, but I still have and LOVE Beanie Boos. I currently have the following Beanie Boos:
Original 6" Alpine
Purple Tag 6" Waddles
Red Tag Sparkly eyed 6" Ice Cube
Red tag Sparkly eyed, yellow footed 6" Speckles
Red tag Sparkly eyed 8" Rocco
Red tag 18" Sparkly eyed Waddles
But hopefully I will add onto my collection!
Who I'd LOVE to have:
Scraps, Bamboo, Fairbanks*, Igloo, Paddles*, Hope 4 Japan*, North*,Tabitha*, and MORE...
However, Tabitha, North, and Bamboo are high on demand.


**I have never seen Fairbanks, Paddles, Hope 4 Japan in person before. North is unavailable until Christmas. Tabitha has been seen several, several, several times in Hallmark. :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

New boos?

Hey guys! So super sorry for the delay of this post, however, I will try as best as I can to post daily.
The eBay user, homepage2009 has possibly new justice exclusives, Elfie and Patty! Here they are...

Friday, August 29, 2014

New justice exclusives?

Think you to homepage2009 the eBay user for sharing this information :).
Warning: these beanie boos may or may NOT be real. You may believe whatever you want, but there is no guarantee they will be realesed.
Give a warm welcome to Lovesy and Trixie! Lovesy, is a dog with curly rainbow pastel colored hair (Fluffy rainbow colored fur xD) anyways, Trixie is a cheetah and or leopard who has more vibrant , and darker colored fur. ( which I will TOTALLY be getting when she comes out.) I absolutely ADORE Trixie! Honestly, I think in my opinion Lovesy is a tad bit unoriginal. But anyways, Thank You Ty Warner!

PS: Thank you to my new fan from Turkey! You are sooo amazing thank you for all your support!

Celebrity loves beanie boos??

Thank you to Ben from Beanie Source for sharing this news.

On Miley Ciruse's Facebook page, it says " Flyod shine, thanks to you guys :)" with an attached image of a BUNCH of  huskys/ wolves. And you guessed it! A lot of Slushes too! So far there is no evidence of there being Izabella or others, but so far that's what we see.

Friday, August 22, 2014

I just noticed...

I love drawing, and my favorite drawing YouTube channel, DebbyArts, has some beanie boos!
I have seen her have 3 beanie boos, 6" solid eye Rainbow, 6" Bubblegum, and Hope for Japan!
The odds of having a few beanie boos that are hard to find-almost ultra rare!
If you like DebbyArts or you have seen her with more than those three videos, please tell me!
Also, just so you know, I don't speak Italian, but DebbyArts does, so if you were wondering, I can't translate it for you.
Google translate says the title literally translates to "The Gifts of Birthday!"

Luv ya,

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

So many sheep!!!!

Babs, now retired.
Leyla, now avaliable
Blossom, Clover
Arnesty, Daria, Olga, real or fake?
Another sheep boo that might come true? Really?
Well, if there is, it's Irina. Thanks a BILLION to Glubschi wonderland! Good news for Babs collectors, if you lost your chance o get her, we have Leyla, and maybe even Irina! Irina is a sheep who looks like Babs, with a scarf! Also, if you are wondering why Ty co. is realeasing so many sheep, it's because of 2015! 2015 is the year of the sheep in the Chinese zodiac. I've seen many beanie babie zodiac animals, but never before a beanie boo zodiac animal (that specifically states the year, or anything. Here is her poem:
Another reason for you to keep, for 2015 is the year of the sheep!
Here is her image:

Love you guys!
-Your friends at

One warning about viewing this page on an android or mobile device...

If you are reading this on an iPad, android, mobile device, tablet or other apple device, some of the fun stuff on the right-hand side of this blog may not work, so if you have a desktop, computer, laptop ect, it may be easier to use that (unless you are not at home, or ect.)

Thank you!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Paris needs to tell you something...

I'm Paris! Hi! I am a panda, who loves eating bamboo (food) and my buddies are Cody, Pete, Mandy, Penny, and Bamboo (beanie boo).
      You may be wondering, Who are Cody and Pete? Are you guys new boos? And, well no. I, am one of the few buddies you can meet on the right-hand side of this blog. Hover your mouse over us and our heads, and sometimes even our bodies, move along with your mouse. Feed me by hovering over where it says "more" and click on the icon, in which my case, bamboo!
      Have fun playing with me, Cody and Pete and remember, we are on this blog because;

  • We are SOO irristably cute
  • I am hungry so I need you to feed me
  • I am rocking this black and white
  • And most importantly of all, Beanie boos are animals, too!
Luv ya!


Thank you all for 250 visits! Who is your favorite boo and why? Mine is north.
Also, tell me how to make this blog better! Put your tips in the comment section!


Friday, August 15, 2014

Izabella, Pellie, and Fiona

Three new beanie boos found in stores, Izabella, Pellie, and Fiona. Happy early birthday and congratulations to Cutie Juliet!
P.S. I know a lot of people with birthdays close to Juliet's.


Good news for anonymous users!

Now, you can comment as Anonymous, if you do not want to share your name, or you just don't have a blog/email or anything. Also, please recomend  blogs, too (even if they are not yours.) have fun!


Translate this blog!

Got an international friend who LOVES beanie boos, but doesn't understand English? Now you can translate the text of this blog into many different languages! Have fun!


Over 200 visits!

Thank you for all of my blog viewers international or not! You guys ar awesome! Click on the pencil button below this post tell me what your blog is (if you have one) or your youtube username and I'll check you out! Thank you sooo much! I have more visits than any of my other blogs and I made. This blog on July 24 of this year! Luv you guys!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Guess a boo I might make true!

I am thinking about what beanie boos we haven't made yet, that would be awesome! I'll send my idea to Ty Warner and as you can tell by the title, I'll have no trouble making the poem!
Hint #1 for what boo idea I'll send: Think of all the foods you've ever aten that are yellow.

Have fun guessing a possibly new boo!


Monday, August 11, 2014


I'd like to give a shout out to... Beanie Boos Medium! Thanks for visiting my blog (Not Angel's!).      
      Check out Beanie Boo Medium's FANTASTIC review blog here: http://beanieboosmedium.blogspot.com Thank you for these awesome reviews!

    Do you want a shout out? Put your name and your blog in the comment box below!

-Rocco medium

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Spotlight Saturday

Today's Spoghtlight Saturday awards goes to (drumroll please) ... Pokey!
         Pokey is SOO adorable and I  love seeing the cutie in stores!
One reason I LOVE Pokey is because on this very same account someone I know made a Pokemon blog www.itsupereffective.blogspot.com and that person wants to play pokey-mon. XD
       Another reason is because of his look. I love how Pokey is one of the very few beanie boos that have a fold over their eyelids which I am not very fond of, but Ty Warner has made it so Pokey makes it look better than just the average beanie boo. Also, I love how Pokey isn't just an ordinary colored (such as green and brown in Sandy, or Zippy), but Pokey is neon green and yellow!
        I have seen Pokey in retailers from $5-$6.99, at retailers such as Barnes and Nobles, Go!, Five Below, Michales, A.C. Moore, Old Navy, Justice, and C.V.S.
        I hope you like today's Spotlight Saturday and tell me in the comment box if you have Pokey or even Igloo.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Jinxy and Scarem opening review

If I had to have an all time favorite beanie boo channel, I'd take an eon to choose! That's because all of them (expecially yours if you have a YouTube channel) are SOO fabulous! However, one of my favorites is a channel called Cutie Juliet!
       If Cutie Juliet is reding this, Congratulations on getting Jinxy and Scarem! I hope you have fun with your 176th and 177th beanie boos!
       If you are just reading this post, here is the YouTube video.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Beanie boos in TWO claw machines!!!

Okay, on my vacation at Busch Gardens I saw two different claw machines with beanie boos in them!!!
      The first one I saw was near a ride named "Trade Wind" which had medium size (10") for $1! The second I saw was in an arcade which name I forgot and it had small size (6") for I think $1!
      My faves were Ice Berg 6" and Pepper 10".

Please note: I am not a collecter and I only have 12 including McDonalds Teenie Beanie boos.
Also, sorry for no pictures.

Questions? I got anything wrong? Want to tell me someting? Comment down Below!


Welcome back!

Sorry I was gone, I was on vacation. I wish I brought Alpine (original) to Bucsh Gardens because He wanted to go on the Alpengeist (sorry about the punny jokes but get it?).
         Besides the point I just realized that Tomato is on Ty.com now! I didn't expect him to be on there (and sorry if this is old news) because they don't put rare/exclusive beanie boos on Ty.com.

Tomatothe dog
If I get lost staying out at night
You 'll always find me cause I m so bright.

Thank you!


Thursday, July 31, 2014

McDonalds Teenie Beanie boos

McDonalds has now sadly ended the Teenie beanie boos promotion :(. I only have 6/16 with:
-Peanut the elephant in orange
-Coconut the monkey in Pink
-Myrtle the turtle in pink
-Surf the dolphin in purple
-Magic the unicorn in pink
-Spells the owl in pink
If you go to your local McDonalds and you are lucky, you may politely ask if there are any extras.
Which ones do you have?

Vote up fast!

There is a widget on the sidebar that will let you vote up on what your favorite beanie boo size is. Please vote up fast! Only ten hours left to vote.

*I will be on vacation for a week or two starting tomorrow and I will not have time to post. Sorry! :(


Attention all beanie boo lovers! Important !

Remember when I said all that stuff about unrealesed beanie boos on eBay Brendan on Beanie Source said a VERY important thing that we all have to remember. Even though these non-released beanie-boos are very cute and interesting, the only reason I put them on my blog is because they are cute and fun to look at. I DO NOT advise you to buy these at the risk of being counterfeit.
       Thank you Brendan for bringing this up. You are my most favorite beanie boo blogger. :) Also, beware if you read the posts on Beanie Boos Wonderland aka glubcshi wonderland, because they often feature unrealesed beanie boos at the risk if them possibly being counterfeit and no warnings at all.
      Thank you for understanding that you shouldn't buy these beanie boos unless Ty.com verifies and specifically states that beanie boos are authentic, be cautious. Shout-out to Brendan on beanie source, you are the best!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

New Justice exclusives!

I know this may be old news for you, but just in case it isn't, the Justice website  has two new beanie boos up for sale with a 40% off sale! They are currently selling Fiona the color block cat (pink and turquoise) and Darci the giraffe (red and yellow.) Fiona currently costs $22.14 and Darci costs the same. They both are around 16 inches tall (do they mean 18"? 6"? 8"?)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Spotlight Saturday: Igloo

Hello! Hi I'm Waddles. Welcome to Spotlight Saturday we will give the spotlight to one beanie boo per Saturday. I am your host for the very first (drumroll please) ... Spotlight Saturday! We do not have to give the spotlight to a beanie boo we already have, but we can (so then why wasn't it me???)-Anyways welcome to the first Spotlight Saturday!

       Today we are featuring... Igloo! Ever since I saw Igloo, I knew we could've been best buddies. What? Yes Angel, you can speak for a bit.  
        "The reason I wanted Igloo SOO much ever since the start was because he is a really cute animal with a Santa hat. I mean seriously, what can get any better than that? And his beautiful green eyes makes him irresistible  (LOL green is my favorite color...) and, I think he's perfect so thank you Ty Warner for creating Igloo!"
        Okay back to Waddles. Well, I think he's a penguin like me, and its really easy to beat everyone in the fish eating competition. I want it at least a challenge. "Waddles! Don't say that!" Oh, sorry but, penguin+penguin = besties so, igloo is a great idea.

Waddles the awesome

Friday, July 25, 2014

Retirements :'(

Oh no! More retirements! Well, here they are say goodbye to Rebel, Bugsy, Babs, and Stripes. Add these to your collection fast!

Miss you,


Sonaya, thank you SOO much for introducing me to Olga. The eBay user, barefootcrib, has pictures if Olga. She is really like Arsenty, without her scarf. enjoy! By the way, if you're wondering, Olga cost (at least while I'm posting this) 25 dollars. :) -Rocco

Ty Art Gallery

On ty.com, you can see that there is a button labeled "Ty Art Gallery." When you click on it, it leads you to http://www.ty.com/lineart/index.cfm . There is no following example, however, there twenty-six beanie boos to print. Click on the URL and click on any beanie boo to print it out. Enjoy! -Alpine

Thursday, July 24, 2014


My local hallmark has a surprise ( no, its not a penguin this time*) medium solid eye Scraps (light purple tag, large tush tag with sewing), solid eye pugsly, and original solid eye Dakota (sadly bent tag :(   )
          I'm SOO sorry I don't have any photos, but if you can, go to your local Hallmark to see what they have!

-* Ice Cube the Penguin

Words you may not know:
-Tush tag:
The tag you can find where (normally) your beanie boo's behind is.

-Solid Eye:
A beanie boo that is older, that has non-sparkly eyes.

New boos!

There have been several rumors that there are three more new beanie boos, Arsesty, Daria, and Tomato!
        The eBay seller homepage2009 currently have these three up for sale. Tomato is like if T-Bone was red and Arsesty and Daria are two sheep/lambs.
http://glubschi-wonderland.jimdo.com/news/ a post called "Two more beanie boo releases, Arsesty and Daria", a reader named Sonaya shares that there may be a new beanie boo named Olga who looks like Arsesty, except without a scarf.

          Thank you everyone "Meow!"

-Speckles the Leopard

Welcome to B.B.U!

Welcome to beanie boo universe where we will give you the scoop on new releases, reviews, and more!
         I want to give a shout-out to some of my favorite beanie boo sites. Thank you beaniesource.com, glubshiwonderland.com, and Ty.com.
         If you don't agree with any of my info, tell me how you disagree and your source. Also, if you want to get featured or you want a shout-out, please tell me so. Thank you!

-Angel and the boos